1. Export filtered results

With this function, you can download an excel file or PDF file with all training results of all your users.

You can filter the export with the following inputs :

  • Status
  • Users
  • Groups
  • Trainings
  • Score
  • Completion Date

2. Results by year

On the Results tab (https://learn.arketiks.com/results/), you can choose the results you want to overview for each year.

The results are stored and sorted by year.

3. Download results of a specific user

You must select the desired user in the drop-down list, then click on one of the two buttons “Download an Excel file” or “Download a PDF” to obtain the all results for this speficic user.

4. Download results of a specific module

You must select your module on the left column, then click on one of the two buttons “Download an Excel file” or “Download a PDF” on the top right next to the module title to obtain the all results for this speficic module.